Enter Your Details To Win 3x ABM Account Profiles!

What is Agent3 doing at Forrester B2B Summit this year?

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Let's Meet Up at 
Forrester B2B Summit 2022. Want to join us?

Want to join us?

EVENT GIVEAWAY: Enter your details to win 3x Fortune 500 ABM Account Insight Profiles!

What is the offer?
Agent3 is offering the chance to win 3 x Focus ABM account insight profiles, each comprising a ‘lite’ overview of the account as well as a deep dive into a particular focus, such as a subsidiary, division, or program.

Each profile will include a comprehensive set of research that focuses on the key areas important to the account teams, including:

- Comprehensive account insight to support your ABM planning

- Critical information to inform the account strategy

- Identification of the key executives and their priorities

Winners announced on the stand at 12.30pm  on Wednesday May 3! Good luck!

Read on to get your discounted ticket!

Breakfast briefing session: Tuesday May 3, 7:30am

We'll be teaming up with our technology partner, Folloze, for a breakfast session that explores our engagement engine for delivering ABX.

Register for the breakfast here

We hope some of our sessions above will persuade you to join us.

If not, perhaps $1,000 off your ticket will seal the deal?

Enter code SPON_CONFEB_B2B22 at checkout.

(Link will take you to Forrester's site)

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Spotlight session: Monday May 2, 11:45am

Liam Jacklin will be presenting at a Spotlight Session in the marketplace. 'Bringing account-centric growth to the enterprise' will include some great case studies of strategies that, underpinned by end-to-end delivery of data, creative content and technology combined have added real, predictable value to brands.

Booth #324, MAY 2 - 4, 2022, Austin Convention Center